About Me

The DS team work together to support each other and our clients.

Specialises in

Professional development



Classic mistakes made on the low FODMAP diet

We may be biased, yes, but it's pretty important to do the low FODMAP with an experienced dietitian


Our top 10 foods to support gut health

Prebiotics, soluble fibre, resistant starch. They are good for our gut health.

Gut Health

What are fructans?

Fructans. They are good for us, but for some, they can be the trigger for troublesome gut symptoms.


COVID-19 – How your dietitian can help in these uncertain times

Even if we can’t meet face-to-face, we can continue to help you with your health & wellbeing.

Healthy Eating

What is FODMAP stacking?

How does a low FODMAP food become high FODMAP?